Celebrating Life is a Matter of Choice, not Chance.

Celebrating Life is a Matter of Choice, not Chance. Cover Image

Michael Washington

Each calendar day, something is celebrated somewhere. That is especially true for the month of October when there are other ways to celebrate October besides Halloween. The first Friday of October is World Smile Day, which is done to celebrate the kind gesture of smiling at someone. You also have peculiar celebrations like Garlic-Lovers Day, Cinnamon Roll Day, National Cheese Curd Day, National Fossil Day, and a plethora of trivial yet light-hearted celebrations for each day. 

From this, we can learn about the importance of celebrating each day. We have to treat it as a gift and a blessing. We have to spend it wisely. However, it is impossible to celebrate with a weary heart and a negative attitude. 

Things can happen in a blink of an eye. Rain can come in the middle of a sunny day. But you can choose whether to be gloomy as the weather, or you can dance in the rain. There will always be two sides to a coin, and unlike flipping coins and guessing whether it lands on heads or tails, choosing how you react is not a matter of chance, but choice. 

We can always try to lean on the better and brighter side of things. Negativity will only wear us down and add more burden, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Remember, after every rain comes a rainbow. A promise of new beginnings and the beauty of colors. Just like life. It may sometimes be blue, with monochromatic shades of black and gray, but it can also be like the colors of the rainbow. Every day is a chance for a restart – a chance to choose the better choices, a chance to do better, and a chance to turn things around. You might be mired in a seemingly irreversible situation, but we can always find our confidence in the word of God. 

Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. 

Life is beautiful. Celebrate it today and every day.